I’m playing with the debug symbols for the .NET framework and came across some interesting things in code.
Dropping back to memory manipulation for performance from the String class
// Returns the entire string as an array of characters.
unsafe public char[] ToCharArray() {
int length = Length;
char[] chars = new char[length];
if (length > 0)
fixed (char* src = &this.m_firstChar)
fixed (char* dest = chars)
wstrcpyPtrAligned(dest, src, length);
return chars;
AMD Specific code!
#if AMD64
// for AMD64 bit platform we unroll by 12 and
// check 3 qword at a time. This is less code
// than the 32 bit case and is shorter
// pathlength
while (length >= 12)
if (*(long*)a != *(long*)b) break;
if (*(long*)(a+4) != *(long*)(b+4)) break;
if (*(long*)(a+8) != *(long*)(b+8)) break;
a += 12; b += 12; length -= 12;
while (length >= 10)
if (*(int*)a != *(int*)b) break;
if (*(int*)(a+2) != *(int*)(b+2)) break;
if (*(int*)(a+4) != *(int*)(b+4)) break;
if (*(int*)(a+6) != *(int*)(b+6)) break;
if (*(int*)(a+8) != *(int*)(b+8)) break;
a += 10; b += 10; length -= 10;